Thursday, April 1, 2010


Rebekah had her first real bath at home on Saturday morning. Her umbilical cord finally fell off (thank goodness) on Friday afternoon, so we decided it was time to get out the infant tub. Rebekah loves bathtime!! She has a little froggie sponge that we lay on the counter. She loves it when we squirt the warm water all over her. Sometimes she even smiles just a little bit. After bathtime she gets wrapped up in one of her many hooded towels (thanks to everyone who gave them to us.) My favorite is her ducky towel. Check out the picture. She looks so cute! Once she is warm and dry she gets a little baby massage with lotion. Sounds like a pretty good life if you ask me!


  1. I love the first picture! How sweet! We can't wait to see Rebekah again and to get your pictures to you! See you in the morning! Great blog! I really need to update mine!

  2. I'm so excited you are doing this blog!!!

  3. She is precious!! Her parents are pretty great too!
